Why embed BI reports

Embedded capabilities of BI tools is an effective way to establish data-driven culture in your company. Technically this means embedding reports and data visualizations into existing web-based business software used in the company - like intranet portal, CRM, ERP etc. Main benefits of this approach are:

  • usability: users don't need to switch to separate BI application to get reports/insights.
  • relevancy: canned reports are placed in the right locations (steps of business processes) which leads to better BI adoption.
  • security: guarantee that users will see only data that they permitted to access.
  • lower BI costs: very often no need to use per-user BI software licenses (fixed price), less efforts on reports integration/modification/upgrades.

How to choose the right embedded BI solution

First of all you need to check technical preconditions to ensure that a BI tool:

Not must have but usually desired features:

And the last but maybe most important thing: determine your bugdet that you can spend for BI capabilities: say, if your company is not in the Fortune-500 list, an enteprise-grade BI solution might be too expensive and too complex to use at the same time.

Comparisons of BI tools